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From tiny flies to big questions, we’re uncovering the secrets of inter-organ communication, immunity, and tissue repair—one wingbeat at a time!

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We are a new lab interested in interdisciplinary research

bridging immunology, developmental biology, and genetics

Find out more about our research here 

Principal Investigator

Dr. Sveta Chakrabarti

Dr. Chakrabarti is an Intermediate Fellow at the Manipal Institute of Regenerative Medicine, MAHE, Bangalore. She pursued her PhD from EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. Her research work revealed cross-talk between stress and immune response related pathways. She's worked as an early-career fellow at the Indian Institute of Science (IISC), Bangalore. During this fellowship, the major focus was understanding the mechanisms of JAK/STAT signaling towards wound healing and immunity and due to the major implication of this research to immunology and wound healing in mammals in particular humans, it may help bring our understanding to develop therapeutics where this process is misregulated like autoimmune diseases. CV

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